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Workshop Anouncement
National Library of Israel, 6-7 October

The COST Action Interedition is delighted to announce a workshop to be held at the National Library of Israel, 6-7 October 2010.

The goal of Interedition ( is to promote the interoperability of the tools and methodology used in the field of digital scholarly editing and research. Equally, Interedition seeks to raise the awareness of the importance of sustainability of the digital artefacts and instruments we create. To this end, Interedition is (amongst others) hosting this workshop at the National Library of Israel to explore the tools, methodologies, and approaches to better support a shared model for the creation of sustainable infrastructure for digital text.

This two-day event will include lectures by leading textual scholars (including Dirk Van Hulle, Malte Rehbein, Susan Schreibman, and Joris van Zundert) The first day will focus on lectures on topics ranging from the creation and futures of digital scholarly editions, to the tools being used to create and edit them. The second day will be hands-on centering on practical experience in using tools and methodologies central to the discipline, including TEI, TextGrid, eLaborate, and CollateX. On day II attendees will participate in a ‘project slam’ and there will be ample opportunity to discuss their editing projects with workshop facilitators.


6th of October – Open to the Public
09.45-10.15 Registration and coffee
10.15-10.35 Welcome Oren Weinberg (Director, National Library of Israel)

Dr. Husam Masalha
Division Director, Ministry of Science, in charge of the COST Program in Israel

10.35-11.00 Needs and Expectations from Digital Tools: The Case of Talmudic Textual Criticism Prof. Shamma Friedman The Jewish Theological Seminary of America and , Bar Ilan University

Dr. Aviad Stollman, Judaica Collections Curator at the National Library of Israel

11.00-11.50 Lecture I: Digital Scholarly Editions – An Introduction Prof. Dirk Van Hulle
11.50-12.45 Lecture II: Futures of Digital Scholarly Editions Prof. Joris van Zundert
12.45-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.45 The Versioning Machine: Editing Multiple Editions of Text Prof. Susan Schreibman
14.45-15.30 Editing Time in Manuscripts — the Case of Medieval Town Records Dr. Malte Rehbein
15.30-16.00 Coffee
16.00-16.45 Editing Samuel Beckett Prof. Dirk Van Hulle
16.45-17.45 Panel Discussion All, Chair, Prof. Joris van Zundert
7th of October – Closed Workshop for Early Stage Researchers
Participants should bring their laptops
09.30-10.00 Class Introductions
10.00-10.30 Slam of Participant Projects
10.30-11.15 XML/TEI for Scholarly Editions Malte Rehbein
11.15-11.45 Coffee
11.45-13.00 Exercise: Using the Versioning Machine Susan Schreibman
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.15 Exercise: eLaborate and CollateX Joris van Zundert
15.15-15.50 Coffee
15.50-16.45 Closing Discussion:
What do you need to create digital scholarly editions? What tools would help?
All, Chair, Joris van Zundert