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Working Group 2 Meeting “Bamboo & TEI & Interedition” 24-25 August 2011

Dates: Wed 24 – Thur 25 August 2011

Venue: OUCS, Oxford (UK)

Local organizer: James Cummings (OUCS)
Working Group 2 of Interedition is the ‘Work Horse’ of the project where tools and interoperability models are thought up and actually built in proof of concept. This meeting provides some key developers and architects within Interedtion to come up with shared models for various themes in digital humanities. Many key EU and non-EU textual scholarship projects and knowledge are reprsented around the table (a.o. TextGrid, CLARIN-NL, Juxta, TEI, Huygens, Studia Stemmatologia, eLaborate, etc.). Most of all we’re interested to see if there is scope for sharing/founding common models with the US based digital humanities infrastructure Project BAMBOO, for which a representative is joining us. Further details are here.