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CFP: 8th Bootcamp

Transcription & Annotation

Interedition is inviting all interested to participate in the upcoming Development Bootcamp, which will take place from 7 October to 11 October 2011 at the Universität Würzburg, coinciding with the start of the TEI-meeting ( which also takes place there. We hope thus to offer a good occasion for members of both groups to confer on the subject of interoperability. As special Think Tank for this is foreseen on 12 October, for which seperate bursaried may be acquired.

The bootcamp and think tank are organized through the kind efforts of:

  • Fotis Jannidis (Universität Würzburg)
  • Malte Rehbein (Universität Würzburg)
  • Gregor Middell (Universität Würzburg)
  • Susan Schrebman (Trinity College Dublin)


Interedition’s working group 3 has identified transcription and annotation of physical textual sources one of the pivotal scholarly tasks involved with creating digital editions. At the 2010 München bootcamp more than 18 transcription & annotation related projects were identified. Non of these is adhereing to any machine to machine protocol or format for interchange. Interedition wants to inspire an open source development movement around this problem of interoperabilty and invites anyone who can make a hands on contribution to a prototype distributed reference implementation of an interoperable model for text.

The full call for participation is available at:ürzburg102011_CFP.

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