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LLC Publication Out

On Thursday 20 March 2014 an important publication that sprouted in part as a result of Interedition was published in Literary and Linguistic Computing: Computer-supported collation of modern manuscripts: CollateX and the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project. In the article the developers of CollateX and researchers involved with Interedition elaborate on computational approaches to text collation.

From the abstract
Interoperability is the key term within the framework of the European-funded research project Interedition whose aim is ‘to encourage the creators of tools for textual scholarship to make their functionality available to others, and to promote communication between scholars so that we can raise awareness of innovative working methods’. The tools developed by Interedition’s ‘Prototyping’ working group were tested by other research teams, which formulate strategic recommendations. To this purpose, the Centre for Manuscript Genetics (University of Antwerp), the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands (The Hague), and the University of Würzburg have been working together within the framework of Interedition. One of the concrete results of collaboration is the development and fine-tuning of the text collation tool CollateX.

For the full article refer to